Job Search Tips: 4 Important Things to Consider When Job Hunting

If you’re looking for a new job, there are probably constant questions swirling in your mind. How can this job advance my career? What benefits should I look for? What type of office environment and culture do I want to have? 

If you’re overwhelmed by the many questions and unknowns that come with looking for a new job, you’re not alone. There are many important factors to consider when choosing what company would be a good fit for you— here are a few job search tips to keep in mind when job hunting. 

1. Benefits 

Although salary might be your first concern, it’s only a small part of the employee package. One of the most important job search tips to think about when looking for a new job are benefits—what kind of benefits is the company offering? Here is a list of benefit to ask potential future employers about before signing on the dotted line: 

  1. Insurance, 
  2. Retirement matching and/or contribution, and 
  3. Paid time off. 

These three benefits can quickly become very important in your day-to-day life, so make sure that you ask questions about the types of benefits you’re getting.  

2. Office Culture 

Office culture can be challenging to identify before you get hired, but you can still do your part to research the company or chat with other employees to learn about your future work environment. Are employees happy at the company they’re working for? What are the company values? Do those values align with your values? What’s the reputation of the company? These are all important questions to ask as you’re interviewing and researching companies that you want to work for. If you can, ask a current employee about their experience. 

3. Team & Co-Workers 

No one sets the tone for a great office culture better than your co-workers—this is why you should try to meet as many of them as you can during the interview process. If possible, ask them about the team dynamic, management, and why they chose to work there. Pay attention to ALL your interactions with anyone from the company you’re interviewing at, including email responses or phone calls. A company’s timeliness and courteousness to outsiders speaks volumes about their team dynamic. 

4. Growth Opportunities 

When interviewing at any company, make sure to ask about growth opportunities within the company. Doing this will give you some insight to what your future at that company may look like while also showing your employer that you’re looking to make a long-term investment with your talents and time. Some potential questions to ask are: 

  • How long do employees usually stay in the same position? 
  • What does the traditional growth trajectory at your company look like? 
  • Are there opportunities for me to get a promotion or move to a senior role? If so, what is the process? 
  • Is there a career coach at the company I could talk to? 
  • Are there horizontal opportunities within the company if my interests and skills change? 

All of these are great questions to ask your potential future employer so that you can get a sense of where your career and future are headed with this company. If your employer does not respond well to your interest in advancement, it might be time to look elsewhere. 

Find Your Career with Kodiak Building Partners 

At Kodiak Building Partners, we offer many valuable benefits to our family of employees including 401K matching, health insurance and life insurance and an Employee Assistance Program to help serve employees in need. We also offer growth and advancement opportunities while operating a family-like culture to ensure employee success and satisfaction. 

To learn more about working at Kodiak and how you can build a career at Kodiak, contact us today to speak with our HR department about our current opportunities. We’re always looking for talent add to our team!